25.10. - 17.11.2013
Ausstellung, Passagegalerie

Lichun Tseng


Projektionszeiten: Täglich 18 bis 23 Uhr

Filminstallation "moment" auf vimeo

Lichun Tseng, born 1979, is a Taiwanese artist who currently lives and works in the Netherlands. She is a visual artist working primarily in motion picture film and installation. She graduated from AKV/St-Joost in 2009 with a master’s degree in fine arts. In her works she searches for the experience of the vital dimensions of life, absorbing and partaking in it, grasping its wholeness in which exploration and reflective contemplation are profound mental drives.

She is using a time-based medium to capture formless objects, in order to create a visual experience, which gives the audience a concentrated and contemplative experience of timelessness and spacelessness in the moment.

The way she captures images is often a reflection on movement, being and transformation instead of giving a concrete scene or realistic suggestion. She avoids narrative explanation but gives and creates a certain kind of atmosphere, a moment and state of being. 

In this installation, she will use 16mm film loops to create a visual poetry to search for the indescribable state of being, which she offers to the audience to experience and to be part of.

Curator: Natalia Weiss


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