16.11.2022, 17:00
Veranstaltung, Künstlerhaus, Factory

Artists in times of war

Artist talk in the context of CONTRAPUNCT

Kateryna Lysovenko, Human Flags, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 21 x 29,7 cm

With Julia Beliaeva,
Kateryna Lysovenko, and
Nataliia Tkachenko (Spilne Art Gallery)
Moderation: Yana Barinova (Curator)

What is the impact of war on to the work and the everyday life of an artist? How does a daily attack on one’s homeland or the impromptu decision to evacuate one’s home mark individual works of art? International and cultural relations are strengthened by solidarity with Ukraine, but what is the cultural and political role of art created during this time?

In addition to the artists Julia Beliaeva and Kateryna Lysovenko, we are pleased to welcome the cultural manager and founder of Spilne Art Gallery Nataliia Tkachenko. In this talk, we learn about the difficulties she and Ukraine artists have to face on the daily basis.

CONTRAPUNCT exhibits Ukrainian artists and is dedicated to the insatiable will to live. Video installations, paintings, sculptures, and photographs show the personal experiences and impressions of the artists. The goal of the exhibition is to use artistic expression to process the emotional realities of war. The hope is to awaken a desire to contribute to peace in Ukraine, in Europe, and throughout the world.



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